
Are you looking for local lawyers with an international profile, combative and ready to provide tailor-made services?

As a human-sized boutique firm capable of great responsiveness, we aim at a high degree of personalisation and focus on impeccable quality to efficiently accompany, assist and advise you throughout your legal challenges. We are committed to precisely understanding your needs in order to offer you tailor-made support.

Internationality is our second skin: with us you will find Swiss and binational lawyers who have gained experience in law firms active in international business law, and a perfectly multilingual service in French, German, English, Italian and Spanish.

Our lawyers are accustomed to handling complex cases, not only in Switzerland but also disputes with international ramifications.

Independence is a key-value for MC AVOCATS SA, which acts free of any link of interest except that of its clients.

Combative, we do not hesitate to bare our fangs and brandish our claws when necessary.

Pragmatism is a key value which we convey through our advice, in order to solve your challenges as efficiently as possible.

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